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Ideal for those who want to restore the look of your skin and improve signs of ageing while maintaining a natural look.


SuneKos is an injectable treatment that’s entirely different to filler treatments; this treatment uses a patented formula which combines amino acids (the essential building blocks of elastin and collagen) with hyaluronic acid.


SuneKos regenerates the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) of your skin and deeply hydrates and plumps the treated tissue. This leads to ‘dermal biogenesis’.


The result? A reduction in the severity of your wrinkles, hydration to both the superficial and deep layers of your skin, a desirable volumising effect and a dramatic boost to your elastin and collagen. Giving you an enhanced younger looking version of yourself.

This treatment is ideal if you have loose, crepey, thin skin and/or a loss of volume around your eyes. It is also suited to help with lines, wrinkles, crepiness, volume-loss and laxity on your neck and face.

This treatment is great around the eyes, can lighten dark circles and hollow eyes and fine lines also.

Winner of the Safety in Beauty Innovation and Pioneering award 2019

Want to book your SuneKos appointment today? Simply click here to book online. It takes just 2 minutes!

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